Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tis The Day Before Gratitude

Good morning as we eagerly await the turkey dinner, or the kickoff for that big football game, or for the relatives to arrive, or whatever you associate most with Thanksgiving. The message the church has preached for some time now is that giving thanks to God should come first. We don't always remember that first. Food, fun, friends! the flesh calls out to us and its message is very loud at times. Those things are not at all bad when given their proper places. Today, let us remember to thank God for all the preparation that is going on already. Traveling begins in earnest for many today, others will be preparing various foods, and a few may be running about trying to find something to impress the guests. Meh, leave the worries about impressing alone and just await your guests with thanksgiving to God.

On this day before the holiday, a lot of worries can intrude on our gratitude. Transportation, fuel, costs, do I have everything just right, is the house clean enough, what should I they know we are coming? That last one might be a cause for some concern. You don't want to show up to an empty house. Thank God that all these things will work out. God has not gone on holiday to some faraway galaxy. Resist the temptation to worry and enjoy the feast. Give thanks before you dig in, and give thanks afterwards too.


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