Saturday, November 10, 2012

Parade of Lights Devotional

Why Do We Call Jesus the Light?

Good evening, and that is still a cool sounding title! I attended both the coldest and the shortest parade in my young life tonight. The former certainly makes me grateful for the latter in that description. Two sheriff's vehicles, two floats, two lighted SUV's, and three fire trucks made up the entire parade, but I will say the floats showed a lot of imagination and effort. Interesting elf costume on one float, I rather hope she didn't take a chill. So, as this was the Parade of Lights, why do we call Jesus the Light?

For one thing, He said in John's gospel, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (8:12) Isaiah also foretold that those who walked in darkness would see a great light. We do not believe that this meant simply a bright moon one dark night. They were quite familiar with the moon back in those days and that would not have been a significant prophesy. This did not refer to streetlights, but something very special. Into the darkness of sin, a great light shone when Jesus came into the world. Today, we like to celebrate Christmas, the annual observance of Christ's birth, with lights. We also call Jesus the Light of the world, mostly because He said it first.

I won't keep you long tonight. I am still thawing out myself. Happy birthday to my fellow Marines this evening! God bless you all,


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