Wednesday, November 07, 2012

So You Did/Did Not Get Who You Wanted

The morning after dawns once more and whatever you would normally do on a Wednesday, you likely still must do today. Work, school, or play these things go on as they did last week with just a few less political ads. Alright, a whole lot less political ads. The analysis by the media and the rest of us will go on for some time, but as you have probably heard we re-elected President Obama. Perhaps in the hearts of many a certain stability was more desirable than the prospect of change. We can analyze and ponder until we turn funny colors, but the results will simply be in numbers of votes. As has been the case for the past several elections, the popular vote count is much closer than the electoral college, and there is no overwhelming majority in either the House or the Senate. We elected marijuana in Colorado to help y'all celebrate, c'mon over for a doobie! (My slang is probably out of date.) I wonder if the weed thing passed because enough people wanted to anesthetize their pain from all the political ads?

Once again, no matter whom you voted for, WE elected these men and women to represent us. Today, we may celebrate or mourn the results, but we can all get on our knees and pray for our nation. After that, set aside that tired old thing, "I didn't vote for that person!" and be proud that you had the right to vote and did exercise that right. Simply by holding a free election, we all won. God has truly blessed our land in allowing us to chose our leaders. God placed his wisdom in the founding fathers so that none of those newly elected leaders can take office today and demand that some group of people be tossed in jail. We tend to laugh at that in America, but examples from other places and times are not as far away as we might think.

God bless America! Another election is done. Do I celebrate the successful election or just that it is now over? Well, perhaps a bit of both.


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