Saturday, November 10, 2012

Can The Rules Save Me?

Good morning on this slightly foggy Saturday in the South Platte Valley! Tonight I should write one called the Parade of Lights Devotional. That sounds pretty cool, eh? We have a parade tonight that travels the 2 or 3 blocks of the main street here in Julesburg. Yes, I've been here just over 2 months and I'm still dropping the occasional smaller town joke. I'm a resident now, so I guess the jokes are on me whenever I do this. Perhaps there should be a rule about that? No, we have enough rules. Can the rules laid down in the Old Testament save me? Yes, actually there is one way.

Jesus said it once, but we tend to dismiss it. What? Dismiss a statement of our Lord Jesus, how dare we! Jesus said to be ye perfect even and your heavenly Father is perfect. But...but... but, I was born into sin, it seems too late to be perfect. Exactly, for those seeking a way to save themselves, Jesus gave them the one way, the one recipe for success that would work eternally. We just have to be perfect like God. Impossible? You bet it is. We need a way that will work for a bunch of born sinners. Jesus gave us that way too.

The born sinners must start over, we must in effect be born again. No other way will work for us. Jesus is that way. I'm guessing that by now you have discovered that you are not going to be perfect through your own efforts. If not, I'll pray for you because your task is beyond Herculean. I can't even memorize all the rules in the Law, much less keep every one for all of my life. Paul trained from his earliest youth to be a Pharisee and keep every law, but Jesus didn't accept that. He won't accept my brand of perfection either, or yours. Only one way remains to become acceptable to the Lord - we must be born again.

Praise God for Saturday!

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