Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Praise God, and Spread the Good News! - October 1, 2008

Good morning. Wow, it seems like I was just sitting here working on the computer! Actually, the call ended last night about midnight, and at 6 hours ago, it does seem not so long ago. I hope that is the last late night task before our IT freeze begins this year, but we'll have to wait and see. The weather is slowing changing toward a fall norm, Friday may be the last warm day for a while.

Pastor Rogers' reminder that all things work together for good is very timely for me this morning. Does it seem strange at all that God can work through the words from dead guys to give us a lift now? Both Paul, the writer of the book of Romans, and Pastor Rogers, the writer of the LWF devotional, are gone from the earth. However, God probably doesn't see either of them as dead in the way that we do. God would probably correct me in this; "Paul dead? No he is right here with me. Pastor Rogers is too; in fact he is discussing this morning's message with Paul right this moment." God does not see life and death in the same way that we worry about on a near daily basis. An author once wrote that the mere mention of death these days causes people to break out in a frenzy of healthful activities. I believe that is true, the world at large can tell the end is near on both an individual and a collective basis. They are frightened of the death we can see coming, and of losing this life. We, who live in Christ, look forward to ending this life and going to see Jesus in person. This does not mean that we are suicidal, that is a favorite perversion of the anti-Christs and false prophets in this world. No, we simply look forward to the fulfillment of our salvation through Christ Jesus. You or I might be here for another 20, 30, or even 100 years, praising God and spreading the joy of His Good News!

Glory to God in the highest!


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