Saturday, October 11, 2008

Better Today! - October 11, 2008

Good morning! The weekend is the weekend and today we will leave it at that. How great is the Lord our God? In all of the most heart-wrenching situations, he is there for us. In all of the challenges of life, He lives in us and through us. Our Lord is not some distant being who checks in once in a while. We feel pain, emotional or physical, and He feels that pain with us. When we receive and feel that joy and peace that only Jesus can give, He feels that with us too. Are you heartsick, worried, near despair today? God knows and He loves you with a love that cannot be broken. Paul may have felt something like this when he was writing Romans 8

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away.

Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38 - 39
We may feel separated from another person, a situation, or from just everyone in general, but God is never separate from us and as Paul notes, nothing can separate us from His love. I cannot imagine the pain of a divorce, although this week I was given a powerful example. Separation is painful in this lifetime, and while we do hurt emotionally for a time, we would rather not experience it at all! Alright now, I mean to say that we do heal. Be that as it may, we are going to endure separations from others in this world. However - good news point - we cannot be separated from God or His great love for us! Any person has the choice to accept or reject God's love. With all of the separation and pain in this world, why wouldn't a person accept God's love? We know that some do, and prayer is a good place to start for those folks.

How is it with me? You might be asking that and here's the answer. Yesterday I went back to the Corporate HQ and picked up my personal things, parking in a visitor's spot. There wasn't as much pain as I had experienced on Tuesday and Wednesday, the healing is well underway. I want to move on now, even though there will be some administrative details here and there to work out, it is time to look ahead. I also sought out web resources yesterday on self-employment. There are many, and they are free. What better for someone starting a new career with little knowledge of some of these things. This year's taxes will be fairly close to normal, but what happens after that? Much learning to do! I know that some of you will have some suggestions for this too. Bring 'em on!

God bless!


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