Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Please Help Me! - September 30, 2008

Good Tuesday morning! The love of the Lord Jesus shines in you today! Let His name be glorified in us today. How do we glorify the name of Jesus? Through our daily lives we will either glorify Jesus or make people wonder what we are on about. When people know that you love Jesus, they expect certain behaviors. Some of these behaviors are true, but others are the result of lies spread by the enemy. Some might expect us to testify at all times during the work day. However, our employer is not paying us to do this in most cases. One thing that we agree to do as Christians is to obey those things that God has put over us on this earth. Of course the commandments of God come first, but we also obey the government and our employer. As soon as we agree to stop taking our employer's paycheck, we can stop obeying them.

If we cannot testify verbally during our work day, how are we to spread the Good News? One way is through that same obedience we are to practice. People will notice a good servant mentality in us when the boss is firing off directives and orders, as bosses are prone to doing, and will glorify Jesus through our good reactions. I realize, from my own experience, that this is not easy to do. During a typical workday, your job can pile way more tasks upon you than you are capable of doing. It happens to me, and I'm sure it happens to you. Stop to think of a new way to do something and a boss is likely to notice and hand off another task or two to you. Perhaps you had not even started the last two because you had not yet been able to complete the two or three tasks before that! I think we can all relate to that. Just like most of life, the modern workday, and we do praise God that we have jobs in these scary economic days, is filled with way too much to do. Well, since we already have too much on the work plate, go ahead and take another moment to pray for peace and understanding, and then dig into whatever needs done the most. All of it needs done the most? Yes, me too. Do what a counselor told me to do one time; make a list of all the tasks you have outstanding and let the boss put priorities on them. If nothing else he or she will see in writing just what is making you look like a puppy buried in its own hole. You know that sort of trusting, obedient, joyous, but please help me look. :-) Bucky

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