Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Avoid the Negative - October 21, 2008

Good Tuesday morning! The sunlight comes once more to remind us of the coming of our Lord Jesus in great glory. I want my kitchen table back! The stacks of stuff for the garage sale have taken over my Bible study place. Today, I will get something done about that. Each morning, I try to think about what I can do to further my writing career, even in small or seemingly small ways. One way is to control the thinking. Not just any thinking, but that negative, destructive thinking that says, "you can't do this" or "you need to go get a job". I can see how a person could stew on regrets until he or she produces a boiling pot of rage; it is all too easy to give in to that negative thinking during times of difficulty. Trust in the Lord, and do what He told us so very often - fear not!

Speaking of regrets, I see that Britney Spears is speaking out on some of her regrets. We all go through times in our lives where we look back and say, firmly tongue in cheek, "You know, I could have handled that better." Note that this statement usually follows a period of massively self-destructive behavior. Praise the Lord for forgiveness, healing, and His blessed grace!

Hallelujah for the day! New possibilities await us in Christ Jesus. Let us go forth unto the farthest corners of the world, the 'net, and even our workplaces. My workplace is now at home, but work is one of the possibilities of this day. I need to work on building up my writing muscles. My endurance is not good yet, but practice and patience should take care of that. I am fairly sure the Lord wants my first novel published before 2015. :-) Not that our Lord is impatient, but that I need to keep practicing and learning.

God is with you wherever you may go this day,


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