Saturday, February 09, 2008

Witness of Jesus - February 9, 2008

Good Saturday morning! I like Pastor Rogers' devotional message today. It would be so easy to run away and hide when presented with a note like that. No doubt the Accuser helped that person to gain that information. However, we are not witnessing about ourselves and our past sins; we witness about the sinless life and redeeming death of our Lord Jesus Christ! Like no other figure in history, religious or secular, our Lord rose from the grave to give a holy witness of his life-giving power. The mercy of the Father is gracefully given to us if we believe in the Son.

Wouldn't it be great if a congregation learned to forgive instead of being so quick to fire off their mouths? What if the next time a minister was caught in sin, he confessed, and then the entire congregation got up to confess their own sin, and then every one forgave every other one in that church. Wouldn't that be a wonderful change to what we hear in the media? That would be a wonderful witness to the world of the forgiveness of sins in our lives. I remember a story about a man from Nazareth who drew in the dirt while the accusers asked about stoning a woman caught in adultery. That man told the accusers that the one without sin could throw the first stone. In time, only the woman and the one without sin was left there. That one forgave the woman and threw no stones. We are to follow the example of our Savior. Remember that the next time a minister or church leader is caught in sin. Stones can fly from mouths as well as from hands; let us not forget the forgiveness we each have received from God.

God loves you and so do I,


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