Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Trust in God Only - February 27, 2008

Good Wednesday morning! I pray that your day starts wonderfully! Did you ever receive good news that you were not expecting? Doesn't that good news make you day a bit brighter, the week go more smoothly? We hold a great Good News, the very best Good News for a trembling world. Many times I have noticed that we live in a fearful world. People, strangers you meet, do not expect kindness like they once did. We are much more likely to be greeted with suspicion and dread than in times before. Now political pundits might think that makes me conservative, wanting to go back to the older times, but that isn't true. Christ-ones do not fit the molds offered up by the world. We want what Jesus has in store for us on that great day of His returning. Go back? Never!

There seems to be lots of bad news about our economy lately; although that isn't much of a surprise. We know already that we can only trust in our Lord. There are no powers or principalities of this earth that we can trust. Pray for our country, government, and economy. The more we trust in God, the better our nation will become.

God bless each and every one,


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