Thursday, February 21, 2008

Getting Dark - February 21, 2008

Good morning! I am trying to find everyone on the list again... more of those troubles with spam notices. The final course has begun! The end of college looms ever closer. This class covers ethics and critical thinking. The college "take" on ethics will be interesting as compared to Jesus' commandments on ethics as told in the Sermon on the Mount. The class texts are not anti-religion, but neither are they written by believers from what I read so far. That to me is more dangerous than the blatant anti-religion humanist texts. The more skilled and cunning the lie is, the more others might be taken in by it. We do know that the world will become very secular in the last days. Signs are everywhere around us, and I don't think that I need to point them all out to you. I think that all of us can feel the end approaching, even those in the secular world. We see the rise in the value of the Euro, perhaps a sign that the new empire of Rome is returning to power. I say "perhaps", but I feel more urgency than that. The season grows late, great events are happening, and the speed of life grows ever more hectic. Do you remember the old, "please allow 6 - 8 weeks for shipping"? You don't see that very often any more; we expect same or next day shipping with delivery to our homes in a few days at most. For a fee, you can have some things delivered to your house on the same day. Through the Internet, I can have a gift delivered to Joe Bob in Miami this afternoon. Incredible speed is possible these days.

Whoops, I said that I didn't need to point out all the signs and then dove right into listing some. :-) Must be the late night I had yesterday. You may note that I am running about an hour late today. I couldn't sleep in as much as I would have liked, even to the point of waking up on time. Pastor Rogers used to say that "it is getting gloriously dark [in the world of today]" I like to remember that when I read the news reports and editorials these days. It may be getting dark in the world, but the Light of the World is in my heart.

Praise God for His Holy Light!


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