Sunday, February 24, 2008

Light in the Dark World - February 24, 2008

Good morning! In going through the list of editor's book picks on Amazon this year, I see some disturbing selections. However, I am very much against censoring any of them or telling anyone they cannot purchase any of those books. Seldom has any good come from banning a book. On the contrary, a ban will usually garner more attention as people who would normally have ignored it, suddenly are curious and want to see what has caused the ban. Many Christian apologists will read atheist books to answer questions they will receive about those works. This doesn't mean they will be converted or are losing their faith. Those who are new to the faith should not jump into reading these works as the authors can be quite persuasive. Even those who have grown in Jesus must pray and seek guidance in the reading of the worldly texts that are available.

I did read The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, and the warnings you heard before Christmas when the movie came out, are well-founded. If you let your child read the trilogy, or read them yourself, you will want to discuss the writing with your child or your pastor. There is a lot of anti-Church, naturalistic, and humanistic symbolism. The atheistic one, Mr. Pullman, does mention God a few times in the novel, though no credit is given to the Creator as you or I would give. I have heard that the remaining two novels in the trilogy get worse in their atheistic intent. In light of the warnings and the first novel, I suspect that I will find that to be true.

The world seeks to drag us down into the pit and the prince of this world is our primary tempter and accuser. We need Jesus now more than we ever have as the world spirals down to its destruction. There is good news though, Jesus is more alive and real to many people than in the past few decades in America. Whether in small churches or in mega-churches, many will hear the inspired Word of God this morning and welcome Jesus into their hearts. It may seem dark, but there is an unquenchable light shining brightly in us.

Praise Jesus for His holy light,


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