Friday, February 08, 2008

Shining a Light - February 8, 2008

Good Friday morning! Have you ever looked outside at night and noticed some light far away that you do not see during the day? Against the darkness, a small light can be seen for a long distance. Finding that light, it may surprise you how far away it is. Does this mean that the darkness is good because it makes the light shine further or appear brighter? No, in the same way that we would not want to be sick to show how well a medicine works. The world is both ill and in darkness. Our light may not seem very bright to us when we focus our own strength. However, it isn't our own light, but the light of Jesus shining through us. While bathed in that light, we cannot tell just how bright that light is to someone standing in the darkness. The light of Jesus shining through us is more than just bright to those in the darkness, it actually hurts them. Remember back to before you were saved. Do you remember how a minister, that is assuming you could stand to be in a church, would speak and put a verbal finger on those sore spots? I remember not wanting to attend church because it dumped a load of guilt on me each week and I didn't need that additional stress. Once I accepted Jesus into my heart, that stress went away and the guilt was left at the cross. Now there is an entity that likes to remind me of that guilt and shame, but focusing on Jesus takes care of that rascal! Standing in the darkness, the light of Jesus shining through those who believe is bright and painful to their hearts. There will be resistance to that light, just as you and I felt at one time. Please don't stop spreading the Good News with your own special talent and ability. God will use you and I to speak to and shine that light on those stuck in the dark.

Have a great Friday in Christ Jesus!


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