Monday, February 04, 2008

Undefeated - February 4, 2008

Good Monday morning! How often do we see one team billed as some kind of juggernaut, only to watch them falter and stumble? Human teams are stoppable, no matter how talented they may seem. Congratulations to the New York Giants on their victory. Do you think that game will matter next year? Certainly it will be mentioned in the sports media for a while, but there will be another Super Bowl about this time next year. In all of history there are not many singular events; the Creation was one, the great flood of Noah another, and that ending battle that we call Armageddon. The events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection stand out on their own, and will not be repeated. God's great works do not need to be played again next year, or next century. The sacrifice of Jesus happened once and is good for all time; that victory is permanent.

Last night we didn't get to see a football team leave the stadium at 19-0. What would Jesus record be over sin? Think of how many times each day you are tempted, and how many times you or I lose! Jesus grew up in a town, much like ours, and I am sure he faced all the temptations of growing up. Girls became women as he grew to manhood. An older kid probably offered him some kind of stimulant as kids often do. Jesus probably had to take a stand against theft more than once. All of these things, these temptations, were present in his life and he did not sin once. That is a record that boggles my mind. So what is my record or your record? Perfect, just as our Savior in Heaven is perfect. I am not saying that we do not sin, you and I both know that wouldn't be true. However, our record is the record of our Savior, Christ Jesus. He did not lose one of us, and that means that our record is perfect too! Saved by the Blood of the Lamb! I feel like a team that should lose 100-0, but suddenly someone says, "wait, our quarterback isn't here!" And Jesus then walks on to the field, undefeated and unbeatable, our Savior and friend.

Rest in that thought for today.


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