Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rambling... February 3, 2008

Good Sunday morning! I do need to get my school reports done before the big game this afternoon. Taxes are ready for filing too. This time of the year can get busy as we take care of the things we need to do before spring and summer. Some of you may be planning vacations, others may eagerly await some time outside in warmer weather. I plan to finish my class work. Yes, I couldn't resist throwing that in there too. The day looks bright and warm from my window, but the lack of melting I see speaks to a different story, cold. The thermometer says that it is just above freezing outside and it's almost 1100. Big elections coming up this week for the primary contenders. By Wednesday we will have a good idea of who our choices will be for President in the general election. Wonderful messages this morning in the church services, I hope that you were able to see one or more of them. Time is short, we need to get our Good News as much as possible these days. I pray that each of you enjoys a wonderful day of rest in Christ Jesus, even if you have duties or work to perform. Rest in our Lord today.


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