Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Faith in Jesus - February 19, 2008

Good Tuesday morning! Rough day yesterday, but that doesn't mean that today will be the same. Each morning we get up in faith, go out in faith, and come home in faith. You can be secular about it and say that we believe our house will still be there, that we will still have a job, or some other temporal belief. On the other hand, we can go forth believing in Jesus, in His sovereign power and grace, and in His saving Good News for all to hear. Better yet, we can have faith that God is taking care of all of the above! We can go to work thanking the Lord that our workplace still stands and that our life will show His glory, and we can come home believing that God has a house set aside for us both here on earth and in His home in Heaven.

Throughout the Old Testament, we see that God says, "then they will know that I am the Lord" This often follows a prophecy of destruction and war, meaning the losing side of war. If we don't come to know the Lord in peace, He will make His presence known through conquest. The prophecies of the Old Testament are quite similar to those of the New Testament. Does that surprise anyone? No, for we know that our God has not changed. Only the grace of Jesus gives us life. Praise God for the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus! Much of the earth does not know the tread of war right now, but the signs show that the end is near. We do not threaten anyone, but we would have them to wake up and see that Jesus loves them... before the worst begins.

May God have mercy on us all,


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