Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Accepting the Gift - February 12, 2008

Good Tuesday morning! Today Pastor Rogers asked us to admit our sin before God and to admit that we are lost without Him. Does that seem hard to you? At one time it was quite difficult for me. Bowing before the Lord to admit that we are lost sheep is not an easy step. Salvation is easy and yet not so easy. The sin that caused Lucifer to be cast out of Heaven, pride, is that which makes it so difficult to accept the free gift of grace. Everyone, and you can see this in other religions, wants to have some regimen to perform or some Herculean task to accomplish, in order to earn their salvation. That grace and the saving of our life for all eternity could be freely given and accepted is alien to our earthly nature. However, in believing in Christ, we know that earthly nature is riddled with the holes of darkness caused by the curse, sin loosed on the world. While we do good works by putting action to faith in our Christian walk, to become a Christian requires and accepts no effort on our part, we can only accept that free gift.

In Pastor Rogers story, I always try to remember that the man could have refused and told the king that he wanted to serve out his sentence. However, you do not refuse a command of the king, and our King forgives our sentence of death. Do not refuse the command of the King by wallowing in the old sin! Accept the new life in Christ and share the Good News. What a glorious day it is in Christ Jesus!


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