Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hollow Gestures - February 13, 2008

Good Wednesday morning to you. I found out this morning that the last living WWI veteran is a Buckles, that's with an "s", and he is 107 years old. In order to help memorialize the service of the WWI vets, someone has invited him on a national tour... at 107! Yikes, I'm not sure any of us will be up to a national tour at the ripe old age of 107. That sounds like the old, "we'll invite him to be nice, but he won't show at his age." Do we perform gestures of good will? Signs that we will do something, but have no intention of actually being called upon or having our gesture accepted. I think the Lord will not be fooled by that kind of hollow faith action. My faith will be tested soon. Is that a yawning, deep gulf before me, or a beautiful vista of possibility? My faith that the Lord has called me to write will require action, in the form of practice and in sending off manuscripts to publishers. Many people have thought to write, only to have their manuscript gather dust in a trunk. It is not enough to have faith and no action. We are saved by faith, but we don't want to just stop there do we? No, or as Paul would say, "of course not!" We want to grow in the faith, and as James reminds us, that requires action. Holding your hand up half-hearted in church with "please don't pick me" on your mind is a gesture of good will. Jesus told us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. We do not have to volunteer at every opportunity, even in church you and I are allowed to say "no". At your workplace, as it is in mine, I am sure they like to keep the plate overflowing. I am often overwhelmed at how much there is to do in our group and it never stops coming. God does not give us too much and sometimes it is up to us to let someone know that you cannot be there on Saturday, or that you will be attending your child's recital instead of some church function. I am not saying that we should say no to everything, but you do have a choice and, no, we are not condemned for missing a church function. Hmm, the sky is getting bright and I still need to get ready for work. One more sign of the life to which I am called, no dropping the devotional to run off to work!

Patience in the Lord, let it flow in me and you this day.


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