Sunday, February 10, 2008

Patience - February 10, 2008

Good Sunday morning to you! The weather folks predicted a warm day, but it sure is cold out and the clouds do not promise a sunny day. Have you ever mentioned something at work, perhaps to get it off your chest so to speak, and then had your coworkers make you sorry that you ever said anything? I suspect that all of us have enjoyed, sorry, endured that experience. As I grow closer to Christ, I also grow closer to Christians and would rather have their company than that of my secular coworkers. However, not only am I placed in my job to earn a living at this time, I also love my coworkers and want them to know the saving power of Jesus like I do. All of us will feel this separation from the world, even as we love them and yearn for their salvation. I would imagine that Jesus felt this most intensly during his time on earth. Why else would he care enough to even speak with the wicked teachers of the law in his time? Jesus knew they would eventually reject him for their own knowledge and love of the world, and yet he continued to explain, argue, and to pray for them. We may look at the Pharisees in the Bible and wonder that they did not recognize their Messiah, but for some period in our lives we were no better. As Jesus was patient with them, he is patient with us, and we can be patient with our coworkers and friends. Pray for your coworkers daily, just as your friends in Christ pray for you each day.
Let the glory of the Lord shine!

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