Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just Know - February 16, 2008

Good Saturday morning! I hope some of you have a nice President's Day weekend, perhaps a getaway or a visit to relatives. Working at Cabela's for the past 18 President's Days, I forget that this is a holiday much of the time. Monday, I will probably stop to get the mail before I remember that it is a holiday. Somehow the world will rumble on, another holiday into the past. Whatever happened to Holy Days? Were there once days set aside to be holy to God? Yes indeed, and some places and people still celebrate them. Sometimes we look at Israel and wonder about the "secular" people over there, all the time ignoring the secular life all around us. In this cursed world, we cannot always avoid working on a holy day, not even on Sundays. Some have shift work, others simply have a rotating duty that falls upon the day. Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees the fact that priests worked on the Sabbath; something the holier-than-thou Pharisees seemed to ignore in their accusations. Does working on a Sunday or holy day condemn us? For an answer to that, we only need to turn to Romans and find that section around chapter 8 where Paul tells us that nothing can separate us from God's love. I often feel that I have become separated from God's love, usually this coincides with some illness or flu bug going around. Going back to this passage reminds me that feelings are not trustworthy guides to God's love. Faith is the guide we need. Read about God's enduring love, and just KNOW that He loves me and you without fail, no matter what condition or place we find ourselves in.

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!


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