Friday, February 22, 2008

Let the Sun Rise on Today - February 22, 2008

Good Friday morning! I am happy to be here with you on this new day. What has God done for me today? Well, let's open the 'ol mind up and take a look. I was able to get out of bed today. That may not seem like much, but there are many who will not rise this morning, some from the inability to do so and others from having passed on during the night. I fed the cats today, many in the world cannot feed themselves this morning, much less a couple of pets. I can see the dawn breaking in the east, some folks cannot see at all. The furnace is running, making the house warm, something that many would like to have during their winter and cannot afford or simply do not have. I am typing this message on a PC, not a given even in the wealthier countries. As always, I have much to be thankful for, not the least of which is a good job to go to this morning. Yes, I quite agree with you, there are some days that I am not as grateful for my job as I should be. :-) Those days of testing do make me closer to Jesus. Too many times, particularly on those tough days, we do not take the time to be grateful. The song about listing your many blessings is a good activity to engage in, and like you I sometimes get caught up in all that is wrong, forgetting what is right. Today as the sun rises in a clear sky, I didn't immediately thank God for that, I thought instead of the approaching time change and started grousing about that. Yes, why did Jesus tell us to worry only about today? One reason I just demonstrated, letting the worries of tomorrow spoil a perfectly good sunrise! It is on days like this that I wonder, "when will I ever learn?" Thank God for the healing and teaching power of Jesus!

Have a great weekend in our Lord Jesus!


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