Saturday, November 01, 2008

In God we Trust - November 1, 2008

Good morning in Christ Jesus! The first day of the big sale went well yesterday; now to see how this morning goes. Election day arrives next Tuesday. Are you ready for the vote? Perhaps you are ready for it to just be over. Yes, the political hubbub can get very annoying. Contrary to the media, I did not see any political costumes last night, and there were some very good costumes. However, the passing of Halloween means that we are into the last two months of the year!

Today I feel that old rush, the one very similar to having to be at work. I need to be ready to start the sale at 0800, and I am up early to get ready. One of the major blessings in my new life is in having the time to write the devotional without the rush. This reminder of that old life is not at all comfortable. In this life we sometimes need a reminder of just how good we have it! I believe that writing for a living suits me much better than the corporate world. I am still receiving many suggestions for jobs. It seems that some of my former coworkers don't think that writing is a viable career. While I may not leave the house to get to work, I assure them that I have a lot of work to do. "Uh huh, but what will you do for a job?" Is usually what comes next. Ah, sometimes the world will not understand what God calls us to do.

Do you feel a calling to do something else? It takes a lot of courage to step out of our old life or career in a time of recession. I like to remind the Lord a lot these days of how much I am entrusting to Him. The response is always the same, "don't be afraid, trust in Me." That is very comforting to me. The world tells us to trust in a job, but we know better. The world tells us to trust in government, every political candidate says, "trust in me!", but we know better than that too. Trust in God, or as our coins say, "In God we Trust." Hallelujah for the day!


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