Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Big Thank You - November 26, 2008

Good Wednesday morning and happy Thanksgiving eve to you! Drive safely today and enjoy some time with the Lord. My friend is on call this week, Thanksgiving included. I was wondering if I should tease him or just let it go? The first indication of recovery from my job loss - oops, position elimination - was in the realization that I no longer had to endure those dreaded on-call weeks. My first "thank you" to the Lord this Thanksgiving is a great big Thank You that I am no longer in my old job. That is a tough one because I miss the people that I used to see each day. Some of them I may never see again in this life, for that is the way of our mobile society. I could be wrong in that feeling too! We move on, but that doesn't mean that I won't be going from place to place sometime in the future. I must remember to be alert for old friends should that come to pass.

Thanksgiving, not the meal of course but the act of giving thanks, helps us to gain a proper perspective on what we have. Focusing on what we have lost is a very depressing and painful activity. Giving thanks for what we have brings a renewed hope and joy to our walk with Christ. Thank you Lord for all that we have in this life and all that we look forward to in the next!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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