Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't be Late! - November 18, 2008

Good morning to you! Aach! Another dental appointment this morning, not something that any
of us looks forward to. I was late for my Bible study yesterday. No big deal, I thought,
I'll just go later to get the hour of Bible study. This morning, as I got ready for a
dental appointment, I wondered about keeping an appointment with God. Why did I think that
I could be late for my appointment with God's Word? Who do we think God is that we can be
late? A couple of nights ago, the Discovery Channel had the ten rules that the Sicilian
Mafia started back in the day it was formed. One of the prime directives of this criminal
organization was that a made man would never be late to a meeting with his boss. Tardiness
shows disrespect. I made up my mind to be on time for my Bible study each morning. Too
often we seem to give ourselves a pass in some areas by saying, "God will understand".
Yes, God does understand, probably a lot better than we think, but when we have the
opportunity to show up on time, we should do so. It would be sad if we who believe in
Christ would come to think that we can be late anytime we wish, and a criminal
organization would be respectful enough to be on time.
Today I will keep my dental appointment, it's too late to back out now, but in the future
I will need to schedule appointments around my Bible study time. It's not like I have to
be at work after this appointment; that is something else to be thankful for!
Praise God for His forgiveness and understanding!

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