Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27, 2007

Happy Saturday! May God bless you wonderfully today! Winter makes a return out here today; we did enjoy a couple of days in the 40’s. The parade of relatives and friends coming to see the new baby across the street has not abated, but that is perfectly understandable with a young couple and their first child. I don’t seem to have a profound insight today, perhaps we are simply to enjoy the morning in Christ. Often, if you or I will just wait for it, just hold off on charging madly about, we can find the peace that God has placed in our hearts. It’s right there; all we must do is stop and enjoy it. Relax the muscles, better and more importantly, relax the mind, you know that muscle that is always churning, wondering what it has forgotten or what we should be doing. One morning, one afternoon, even a whole day; we should perhaps just not do anything but meditate on the Lord. Eat well, play some good hymns or other Christian music, and for a while just stop thinking and worrying about all that must get done.

May God grant you his peace this day.


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