Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17, 2007

Good morning! Yup, still cold out, but at least it is colder in Fairbanks today, like it should be. I learned yesterday that the son of our friend Kevin will be entering the United States Marine Corps in July. We are proud that a young man has chosen to serve his country and pray for his parents who will be watching anxiously for his turn to serve in Iraq. There is much doubt and second guessing in America these days about our mission or purpose for having our sons and daughters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Certainly wherever our forces go in these countries, they win the peace for a short time, but they cannot stay and we don’t want them to be there forever. Once again it is proven that you cannot bring more than a temporary peace to an area where many do not want it. At home, where the support and lifeline of our sons and daughters in foreign lands must come from, we must remember the power of prayer. If God wants peace to settle like a blanket over Iraq, it can happen in a very short time. I do not know what will happen, the prophecy of future events is not my gift. However, the signs are many and I think that our presence in Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam’s regime are big steps toward the new Babylon which will arise near the end. Of course, that schedule is in God’s hands and “near the end” might mean another thousand years from now.
We must be ready every day to see Jesus coming in his glory. This can be difficult with the many cares and demands of the world, but once again it is the power of prayer that will see us through until the great day of the Lord. The fellowship of small groups of Christians, or larger groups if you prefer, helps us to remain faithful in this world. Our fellowship allows us to both give and receive comfort. Praise the name of the Lord Jesus! When all seems so cold and dark around us, the word of God will sustain us. That word is best when it is shared.
I’m rambling on a bit today, sometimes that happens. Perhaps on some days, God just wants me to talk to you through this e-mail. Praise God for the Internet.

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