Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10, 2007

Good morning! I must go in a bit early today, so I will use that as an excuse for any nonsensical words or phrases that might appear in today’s writing. I have heard that 2 – 4 a.m. is one of the times of deepest sleep in the daily cycle, which might explain the arrival of first babies, cat burglars, and drunken driving problems that all occur about that time. For me it just means that it will be difficult to stay awake for a while and then I will be ready to sleep at 6:00 p.m. Disruptions to the daily routine in some areas can make us out of sorts for the day. Did you ever wonder about the timelessness of God? He is not limited by daylight and darkness, the need for sleep or rest, or that thing on the wall ticking away our life. We pray to God constantly, even if we are awakened early in the morning. However, try that with a friend or e-mail pal in China or Japan right now. No answer? Your friend may be snoozing through the Asian version of the late show. We no longer need to wait for a priest to make the weekly sacrifice, nor do we need to make an appointment on Outlook or with an executive secretary; God is listening no matter what time or date it is in our lives. The Holy Spirit is ready to converse with you or me throughout the day and night. While we should schedule or take time to get away to a quiet place and pray, we can also pray any time or all of the time. God has the ultimate open door policy!

Send a note of thanks to God some time today!


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