Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22, 2007

Good morning, we are one in the Lord! Did you ever get up in the morning to see a score that seemed a bit odd? I am speaking of one of the football games yesterday and though the exact score is not important, it is fun to try to figure out how they arrived at an unusual score with football’s odd scoring system. When you don’t see an entire game things can happen which change the final score. When Jesus died on the cross, the game appeared to be lost to the disciples and Jesus’ followers. They fled to their homes, some went back to fishing, and there may have been some who ran for days. Jesus told them exactly what would happen and they didn’t stay for the final play. Owing to the eyewitness accounts and the Scripture, we know the final score, Christ won! However, like my football game yesterday, we don’t know what happened from the time Nicodemus and Joseph placed our Lord’s body in the tomb and that glorious morning when Mary discovered the empty tomb. Suddenly the world beheld an odd score in the greatest of games. How did what appeared to be a great defeat turn into the greatest of victories? Our Lord showed himself to one or two, then more, and finally hundreds saw him alive after he had clearly been dead and buried. Our Lord is the risen Son of God, the Messiah! Jesus may tell us what happened during that time when we see him again. If he does not, I don’t think that we will mind. Just to be with Him in paradise will be more than enough.


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