Monday, August 26, 2013

What Good is My Bucket o' Troubles?

Good Monday morning! The missing summer has settled in at last, apparently to stay for a while. The tent came down this morning; it was time. Too many little creatures were setting up shop and home there, and the grass below needs time to recover before the fall freezes come. I have a bucket o' troubles, and so do you and your friends and everyone we know. It kind of goes with the territory so to speak. Live on this earth, troubles will come. Some folks seem to have a smaller bucket, but troubles they have too. What good is my bucket o' troubles? Perhaps it is something I can sacrifice on the altar of God's love.

How would one go about doing that? When Jesus told the weary and heavy-laden to come to Him, He did not promise to get rid of the burden. Jesus promised rest. Some troubles may remain in my bucket for life. Others Jesus may take away in the due season. And, of course, new troubles will come with new circumstances. However, Jesus will give me rest when I come to him. The yoke of Jesus is easy, and His burden is light. Our Lord knows that we are already heavily burdened by the troubles of this world. He isn't going to add a lot to us so that we break down and fall by the way. But, rest, it seems to not come to us at times.

Well, maybe we didn't go to Jesus to get that rest we need! We read that part about 'give us rest', and forget the first bit that says, "Come to Me". We need rest and we have a command from our Lord to come to Him to gain that rest. I come dragging my bucket o' troubles, and He gives me rest. After learning to rest in my Lord, the old bucket isn't so hard to move. In fact, I think, He may have taken some of those troubles. Why did I wait to come to Him for so long?

Have a wonderful week in Christ Jesus! Look forward just a little bit to the holiday coming up this weekend.


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