Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Loss is Tough

Good morning in the love of Jesus Christ! As we live in this world working out our salvation in the Lord, we toss away some weights that are slowing us down, but others we lose, and that loss is tough. I read a devotional from a pastor who is working through the loss of his magnificent church building. The church is the people of course, and they are mostly intact, but the building loss is still tough for him to bear. We lose things to various circumstances, and though we know that God and His people are the important parts of this life, we also find the loss of the things tough to endure. Through many tribulations God grows our faith, but to make light of them may be difficult. To make light of another person's loss may be downright unloving, at least until some time passes and he starts it.

A documentary shows the painful loss for a wealthy person of their mansion. We may tend to be less sympathetic because of the former wealth, but is that the loving way? The loss for one of a hut on the Serengeti may be just as hard as the loss for another of a mansion in Beverly Hills. Both are the loss of what we call home here in this life. Both show a loss of stability that we treasure. Giving the one less sympathy and comfort goes against the love Jesus commanded of us. Loss hurts us no matter what station in life we may experience the losing, and we should be quick to understand that this goes for everyone.

The loss of some things in this life may be good for us from God's view, and we take comfort in that, but it may hurt a lot in spite of the good it does for us in our faith. Jesus didn't send the Holy Drill Instructor, Jesus sent to us the Comforter. Jesus didn't tell His disciples to look for the Punisher; they too were to wait for His Holy Spirit for comfort and spiritual fire. Whatever loss we experience, the Spirit God has given to us is more than enough to comfort and encourage us. We also have the privilege to comfort and console one another in God's love.

May the love of God shine on you this day,

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