Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fight On!

Good early morning! The eyes are sleepy and the body is still healing from yesterday, but I am ready and willing to write. I don't recall a time when Jesus promised that every morning I would wake up completely refreshed and whole. Perhaps there is no such promise. I have seen a promise about tribulation though. It comes in John 16:33; that verse I recall fairly often. The point is to report for duty each day, not that I am promised each day pain-free. My spiritual armor may be in rough shape for the day's muster, but reporting in is so very important to my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The footsore and battle-weary soldier reports in to his Lord for another day of battle. The breastplate of righteousness is dented from a blow of sin. The soldier is told to report to the Armorer, for that righteousness did not come from the soldier's own efforts. The shield of faith has taken too many flaming darts for one day, and the soldier must then report to the Buckler for a refreshing, for his faith is not in himself, but in the One who died on the cross. Other dings, dents, and rents are also healed by the Lamb in His many capacities. The soldier may report to the field a little weary, a bit sore from a hard day in the fight, but report he must for his place in the lines is critical.

So we begin each day as a soldier in Christ. We may not feel like beginning the day at all, but somewhere another soldier of Christ depends upon us to hold a place in the lines. We may fight from a stance of weary soreness, another from her sickbed, and yet another soldier from his very deathbed, but fight on we do in the strength of our Lord and Savior. Even with the last moments of a redeemed life, a few words of encouragement hardly to be heard by the staff of a hospital may strike a painful blow to the Adversary's forces. We fight on in faith; renewed in spirit, sore in body, sometimes troubled in mind, but we fight on for our Lord Jesus. Let us not take a day to ourselves when so many need us beside them in the lines of Christ's army.

May God's blessings be poured out on us today,

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