Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Meant To Be Or Keep Trying?

Of course it would be tough to get this out today. No time in the morning, two PC crashes at home at lunch and finally, it's late in the afternoon at work. This is the time to begin thinking that maybe this is meant to be done... tomorrow!

Thanksgiving is upon us this week, and I am grateful for 10 years of devotional writing as of this past September, especially for those of you who remember all of 'em! Are you kidding? I don't even remember all of them! Today is the 3,000th devotional post on Blogspot. I waited to commemorate the 10th anniversary to hit that big posting number, or maybe that is posted number. Somewhere in all of that is a lot of writing about our Lord and how good He is to us. One of those displays of our Lord's affection for us is the times we have to just keep trying.

Yup, it would be easy to kick back the rest of Tuesday and say, "It must be meant to be done tomorrow." But after two cups of hot apple cider, I just don't think the easy answer is the one for me today. Even if I must go home and try booting my PC around a bit, this big number 3,000 is going out today. If it were up to only me, I would have quit long ago.

Thank you, Lord, for the endurance and patience to write so many devotional messages over such a long time! Thank you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for reading at least one or two of them over the years, that too may be a triumph of endurance and patience in our Lord Jesus!

May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you until the Rapture of His flock!


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