Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007

Good morning in Christ Jesus! I feel the love today. I am watching possible storm clouds roll in this morning; it may be a large weather front with a lot of snow and wind, or it may only be a passing small group of clouds. The view outside this one window is too small to show the entire truth. So it is with our view of the universe and God. We are just too caught up in our tunnel vision to see the entire story right now. Trusting in Jesus means that we believe in His word. He has a better view than ours, and His love extends beyond what we can see and remember. That regret or failing you experienced years ago, let it go. Those worries and fears for the future, leave them with Jesus. Let us instead keep our eyes upon the maker and author of our faith, the Lord Jesus. In Isaiah 49 the Lord reminds us, "At just the right time, I heard you." Waiting for that time is not only difficult, but is beyond our vision. The time will come, trust in God for that!

Praise, honor, and glory to our Lord Jesus!


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