Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007

Good Thursday morning, one week from a wonderful day of giving thanks and expressing our gratitude to the Lord. My fingers do not want to cooperate with my typing today. You won't see it, but I had to go back twice to correct things on that last sentence alone. It is a very crisp morning out here, about 7ยบ according to my thermometer. I suppose that I should have my hoses in and my sprinkler system shut off, but I have been slow in that regard this year. Some bug or other is going around again, I was feeling ill last night and crashed at 8:00pm. This morning I feel much better for it.

Today I read a wonderful chapter in Isaiah, the one about the Highway of Holiness leading to Zion. I wondered, what song would we be singing on that highway? Probably it won't matter; some will be singing Joy to the World, some belting out Blessed be the Name, Martin Luther's What a Mighty Fortress, and still others singing Amazing Grace. In this world that would sound just awful, a cacophony of many different voices singing different songs, but somehow I think that several trillion people, marching to Jerusalem on the Highway of Holiness in that great day of the Lord, could sing a million different tunes and it would be a glorious harmony of praise to our Lord. How can this happen? Look at it this way: some time ago, God spoke the universe into existence in six days. Ponder the clouds, the atoms, electrons, flowers, forests, the Earth, planets, solar systems and stars. Six days! Now realize that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us and will return when all is ready. He left almost 2,000 years ago. Six days, two thousand years, just how wonderful will this new heaven and earth be?

Praise God for His everlasting love!


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