Thursday, February 08, 2007

February 8, 2007

Good morning! Often we consider giving and the how much or how frequently we should give. Paul gave some advice to the Corinthians on that matter which still holds true for us today. One, we should not give what we do not have. Today that means don’t borrow on a credit card to give. Two, give what you can, but not so much that you or your family suffers from want. Three, give joyfully no matter the amount. If you go to the church and grudgingly hand the pastor your tithe and a cranky remark, don’t expect God to be pleased. He wants a joyful giver, the amount is not important. Did you ever stop to consider, that if God needed money for his ministry on the earth, that he could quite easily fill every church building, on every continent, up to its roof with gold? It is the heart and act of love in giving that he wants from us. It is easy to compare our 10% with what we know or imagine that someone else (the Joneses) is giving. However, let’s consider an illustration. Recently, you have probably seen the new LED flashlights that have come upon the market. The bulbs or LED’s are quite small when compared to the more traditional flashlight bulbs, yet the light they produce is much greater with far less battery power required. Jesus can make your light shine in the same way. The Gates and Buffetts of the world might be able to dump millions or billions on a cause out of their tremendous surplus; we can rest assured that even those large amounts will not leave them to suffer. Our light can shine all the brighter in Christ with much less, remember that he fed a multitude with only a few loaves and fishes, one family’s lunch.

Praise God! Our cup runneth over.


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