Saturday, January 31, 2009

Writing a little Hungry - January 31, 2009

Good Saturday morning! I got up in time for Wild West Tech and found a show on wieners. Not the dog, but hot dogs, the little sausages we all fall prey to at times. Interesting fact: a hot dog and bun with mustard has the same calories as a low-fat frozen yogurt. Unfortunately, the calories still count and most of us don't stop with mustard... or just one hot dog. :-) Bringing you trivial and important facts to start your weekend. And you thought I was completely useless. Tsk, tsk!

Anyone feel the urge for a chili-cheese dog with fries right now? I wonder if it would be a good idea to have breakfast before watching food shows and then trying to write? Yep, might be on to something there. The subject this week in my mind has been service. How to serve God by serving my fellow humans on this planet. Not that other planets are off limits, I just don't know any humans on other planets... except for that person all of us just thought of. Yes, if I get the chance I will serve Paris Hilton too, on whatever planet she might be at the time. :-)

In order to make myself more available for service, I removed the games from my computer this week. I experienced the same feelings an addict might feel on that first day, but after that I felt a marvelous sense of liberation. A good PC game (XBox, video, Wii, etc.) can take hours, and I need those hours to write and do other service to help others. I don't think there is anything wrong with a computer game... until the time becomes time that could be better spent in serving someone in need. Like many things that are enjoyable in this world, one must use moderation or the harmless activity becomes a sin. A dish of ice cream for dessert is good, eating ice cream all day makes a person's girth not fit for service, and if done long enough might even prevent one from exiting a normal-width door. Some things God created to be enjoyed in limited amounts.

One way to find your niche in God's service is to ask for input, often one does not need to ask, from your brothers and sisters in Christ. You may get more input than you expected. (Am I really good at all that?) One idea that surfaced this week is to start a blog for questions about Christ and His Word. After the idea came from Burt (no good deed goes unpunished!), I checked with Pastor Doug and now I present it to you. Is this something you think I should do? There will be trolls and I will need to work on the gentle answer to that kind of posting. Take a moment to pray about this if you would please.

Other service - I have a neighbor who never shovels their walk and drive when it snows. I have questioned and even shaken my head at this over the past couple of years. Guess what God put on my heart to do at the next snow? Now, I could use a bit of service in this too. If anyone is good with mechanical devices, the snow blower I was given last year did not start when I tried to use it. Give a holler if you can help with this. :-) The next snow might cover two driveways and walks to a depth that would require a snow blower.

I think I will try brownies for the next Life Group meeting. The good thing about serving others when baking? Ya don't eat the whole thing yourself! We have decided to make the Tuesday breakfast meeting a regular thing. One rule that God impressed on my heart when embarking on a writing career - always make time for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have yet to be caught while right in the middle of writing something, unlike my former workplace where jarring interruptions were the norm. What did Jesus say on the cross that stands at odds with my time there? "It is accomplished!" I never seemed to be able to finish projects at my former workplace. That creates an overall stress that builds over time. I am not completely healed yet, but as each week passes I feel better. Once more we see an example of something that seems so painful at first, and it was, is actually meant for our benefit.

Whoo! I should have breakfast. A little fasting seems to go a long way when writing. No, I will not start writing in a half-starved condition. A person's mind does not work well when underfed, I found that out in boot camp. Strange things could start coming out of my typing fingers if I don't eat right. Like bad jokes about Paris Hilton. Wait... uh oh, it's already begun! :-) Better go have my breakfast. Praise God for the new day!


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