Friday, January 09, 2009

Center on Christ - January 9, 2009

Good Friday morning! Today I saw an article on preparing to live in a depression. While the suggestions are good, we might want to prepare for life in Christ first. Think of what Jesus told us; "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Too often we seek first to take care of ourselves, preparing for any eventuality we can imagine. Any of the possible outcomes may happen, but all or none of them may actually occur. One thing we do know will happen, the judgement of God. So which makes more sense to prepare for? The Good News is that preparing for a life in Christ starts simply with believing in Him. Preparing for the world's calamities takes a lot of time, effort, and expense. Preparing for life in Christ is much easier, we simply give up our own life. That may not seem so simple, but look at your life and the world. Between myself and the world, I have proven that a life can be mucked up pretty thoroughly by the world's standards. Like you, this is not to say that I am all bad on my own. Therein lies the real danger! A life of human goodness cannot save a person. Giving up my life to Jesus seems like a no-brainer now, but I recall how difficult the road has been, and the process is still a daily trial. However, once a life is given up for and to Jesus, the preparation for a life in Christ is underway and the Holy Spirit will not let any of us go.

The trials of the world seem especially acute during this time, but God has not changed and is not away on vacation. Every day we must rise up and re-commit to the Lord and place our trust in Him alone. Do you sometimes feel like Job? If you are sitting in a house or apartment, driving a car and looking at a family each day, then you and I know that we are a long way from Job's situation. However, even if we do get to the point where, like Job, we are sitting in ashes and wearing a bag while our remaining friends try to browbeat us into confessing sin we didn't commit, God is still the same and still loves us to the point of dying on the cross for us. Let Job be Job, concentrate on our saving, blessing, and wonderful Lord Jesus. The storm is raging without, let your life be centered on Christ.


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