Monday, January 19, 2009

I Can! - January 19, 2009

Good Monday morning! The annual wild game feed is tonight at the church. Shouldn't it be a wild game eat? We are not there to feed any wild game, only to munch down on it. Ah well, one of the unanswered questions of life. :-) Believe it or don't, I invited someone to the gathering this evening. It will be my first time there as well. A couple of things come to mind in this. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13) a verse recently brought to mind by Tim Tebow, for those of you who follow college football. The second thing is that "I can", as in I can do great and wonderful things in Christ that I would not be able to do on my own. Both of these can be extended to careers, home, life, love, joy, peace, witnessing, and well... just about everything!

In every action that is according to the will of God, we say "I can!" and wonderful things begin to happen. I have found that in writing I must be careful what I think of. Do I believe that writing is in the will of God for me? Yes, for one reason. If I think of one of my characters, the ideas start flowing and this can be a distraction when I should be doing something else. In all of life there is a time for praying, a time for writing and so on. That last sentence is a paraphrase of ol' Solomon I think. Disciplined thinking can be difficult, my mind at least seems to be wired for free roaming. I cannot see what is in your mind so I won't try to comment on your own state of mental discipline. However, we know that discipline and disciple are related. We want to be disciples of Jesus, and so we must learn mental discipline. Like all difficult tasks we must learn, we come to the One and in Him we say "I can!"

Enjoy a wonderful day in our Savior!


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