Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Day - January 21, 2009

Good morning on the high plains of Nebraska! Let's see what to talk about today... hmmm. Oh yeah, we have a new president this morning. Okay, I don't think anyone missed the culmination of a lot of media coverage and other hoopla yesterday. We can drop the 'elect' and just say President Obama now. I am sure that President Bush feels a great relief this morning, a large load has been dropped on the next guy. Actually, that might not be the case for a while. When I left my old job, I prayed a lot for those who had to pick up the load that I left behind.

The country as a whole has looked forward to our new president. Seldom in my lifetime has an incoming president been greeted with such hope and, we must look at it, adulation. I am glad to hear the president speak about responsibility. We don't hear that enough from politicians, perhaps not even enough from some ministers and priests. I am reminded that many of the solutions we seek lie in coming to Christ first, and then taking up the plow. The Lord has put a new plow before me; time to grab the handles and heave. Each of us has responsibilities in this life, but we also have the strength of the Lord. You and I might feel weak and wobbly when staring at the road ahead, but the same verse comes to mind: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I pray that our new president remembers that Scripture and many others as he takes up his new responsibilities this morning.

What can we do to help each other today? Prayer is the first thing that comes to mind. In prayer I don't even have to know what exactly is causing any of you to have pain or grief this morning. We share our burdens through prayer, especially when the burden is too personal to share out loud with those you don't know very well. One burden we share together this morning is that of a new president. Many questions come to mind. What will he do about this or that? How will his actions and those of the new Congress affect me and my family? In all of this transition remember that God is still sovereign.

Have a wonderful new day in Christ Jesus!


Prayer Request
Pray for President Barack Obama as he takes office this morning. There is a lot of work for all of us during this tough time, but he has chosen to lead the country.

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