Monday, January 05, 2009

Lead Me, Lord Jesus! - January 5, 2009

Good Monday morning! What hole in your self cannot be filled? As we wind down from the holiday season, I wondered how many people have come to the realization that no matter how many gifts they receive, and no matter how many they might buy for themselves, that hole will never be filled with material goods. We have seen it in our own lives and in the published lives of others. Who is truly happy, the billionaire or the one who is content with what he has? The after Christmas let down is often a good time to wonder at our covetousness and greed in this world.

At which time... I suddenly wondered; what after Christmas let down? We are ready to start new things, to live more of the life in Christ! Who said we have to endure some kind of post-Christmas blues? One of the dreadful things about the first Monday after the holidays was the realization that I would be going back to a job that gave me a feeling of dread after being off for two weeks. Perhaps only now am I coming to realize what God has released me from. I am ready for the Lord to fill me with ideas and possibilities today!

How are you today? If going back to work fills you with gloom and doom on each Monday, we can pray for you. We are not placed on the earth to have fun all the time, but our job should not fill us with feelings of fear and dread. Whatever the place we find ourselves in, God can lead us to the still waters. Each of us has a unique situation. God knows each of us better than we know ourselves; let Him lead you in your life. Where are you lead to go? Don't worry if you don't discover this in one blinding flash of insight. I am discovering more each day as I learn to listen and obey. Praise the Lord for His glorious leadership each day!


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