Friday, January 23, 2009

Share the Blessings - January 23, 2009

Good Friday morning! With the first three weeks of my winter training period coming to a close today, I find it possible to set some goals for my six month writing commitment. The important thing once more is not the amount, but the commitment. The Bible tells us to surrender daily our wills to God. I may call it re-commitment, others may call it refocusing, but in all that we do, God's great plan comes first.

One way in which I have been convicted as of late is self-centeredness or selfishness. How do we fulfill our God-given purpose in this life? One way is not looking too much at our own goals, problems, or accomplishments. We are to be genuinely interested in others and their lives. This is a skill that must be developed in some of us. Does it seem that others are nothing but a big ball of problems when you ask them how they are doing? Does your life seem that way when someone asks you the same question? :-) We do face many trials in this life and sharing them with another person can help us not only find solutions, but also to leave the burdens at the cross. During this time of recession in our economy, we can elect to not participate by sharing our blessings in place of problems. How have you been blessed today?

Let's see... today is Friday. Even in my new career I tend to work during the normal work week and do less work on the weekends. Friday still seems to be a milestone each week. I woke up this morning and found new ideas for writing in my brain. I had a rather strange dream involving fuel-air bombs in which no one died; perhaps a reminder of the power of God. We have a new president in office, homes to live in, food in the cupboard, and clothes to wear. Daily I am reminded that God sees to our every need. I could name more blessings by trying a bit harder. However, one blessing approaches even now, and I need to get my trash dumpster out to the street!

God bless you on this great day in the Lord!


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