Monday, October 06, 2014

That's the Story Too

Good morning! If it weren't dark outside, I might be able to mention something about the autumn leaves. I guess that is the story of autumn too, dark mornings and shorter evenings. Night belongs to the story of life as much as day, though we sleep through much of it. Knowing when to relax and take a break belongs to the story of work as much as the moments of all-out effort. You and me belong to the story of Jesus as much as Mary and Joseph. We belong to the story of the apostles as much as John and Peter. Jesus came to save the people of His time and He came to save the people of our time. All of it is a part of His story.

That afternoon on the cross when Jesus said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do," we too were there receiving that forgiveness. When Jesus gathered a few around and gave the Great Commission, that was for us too. When Paul wrote about those who would not sleep but be snatched up in a moment, the blink of an eye, he spoke of you and me as much as those back in the day. Time appears to separate us by centuries, yet I'm not sure that God see it that way. 3,000 years may seem long to you and me, with David a part of a distant, almost unimaginable past. Yet, his psalms and story still educate and enlighten us about God our Father. For that too is the story. God connects us across all those years. Jesus saved Moses, and David, and John, and Paul, and many people in between 95 AD and 1995 AD and me, and you, and babies not yet born, and all who believe in Him.

I think that when we meet one of the ancient saints in Heaven, it won't be as one speaking the Hebrew of old and one speaking the American vernacular of now. While we may spend time telling King David about IPads and Google and cars and such, we will understand each other through the connection of Christ and the cross. And, with the thought of your great connection of the story of Christ, go on to work this morning!


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