Monday, October 27, 2014

No, Such a Time as THIS

I read about the time of the apostles and how each day believers were added to the church. I thought, what a time to be alive. Then, I read about the time when Jesus went to the cross, rose from the grave and ascended to Heaven, and thought that was a great time to be alive. But then, when Noah stepped forth onto a new earth washed clean from the sin that had gone before, that must have been quite the time to live. But no, for I was for for such a time as THIS!

Looking back too much may take our focus off of what time we are given on this day. Jesus brought you into this for for this time, right now. The time of the second coming of Christ and the Rapture of His church is one of those greatest of times. But, what if my life doesn't take place in those times? What if I am stuck in one of those seemingly dull times between great events?

We do not know that we have not been born for such a time as this. Whether what you and I do affects one unbeliever to come to Christ or we minister to thousands, this time is our time. This is the day the Lord has made for us to serve Him. The one saint who may never have been appreciates your time in this day. The thousands who learn of Jesus through us are no less appreciative of this time of ours. One day, all of us will be together with Christ Jesus in the place He has gone to prepare for us, and I believe that all of us will know that we were born for such a time as THIS!

Amen, Bucky

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