Friday, October 24, 2014

Crash Recovery

Growing up we heard much about the suffering caused by the Great Depression in the 1930's. In our lifetime, we faced the Great Recession, and many are still suffering. Perhaps one day the history classes will study the '30s and the '10s and compare one against the other, but for us we just have now. Many are the losses that this latest tribulation brought, and the crash recovery is a long and pain-filled road. I'm not going to drag out a bunch of examples, if you lived it you know well what I'm talking about. If you weathered the storm without much trouble, you probably helped those around you who crashed on the rocks. (Yes, I did, but I'm not changing my name to "Rocky") For those of us who crashed, we have a way back.

The way back to prosperity may not be quick or instant, much as we would like it to be, but slow, troubled, and fraught with the occasional slide backwards. We may analyze the causes, re-analyze our responses, and over-analyze possible mistakes along the way. Giving up is always an option; at least, it's always one presented by the Adversary, but we don't want to go there. Is it possible that circumstances could plunge us right back into poverty? Sure, but that is one of those worries we can only borrow from the future at steep interest, and the loan accomplishes nothing but mental pain and anguish. We don't need that loan. What we need is a savior, a constant companion through all of this.

Of course, we have one and He has been with us all the way. As churches collapsed financially in the Great Recession, many asked "Where is your God?" But, we know the answer to that: Right where He has always been! The saving grace of God through His Son is not about living in this world in constant comfort and riches. Tribulations great and small come our way, but faith reminds us that Jesus is right here with us in His Spirit. Our Lord suffered along with us as so many struggled just to get through a day. Some may still be doing just that and searching for their way back. All of this suffering has a conclusion though, and His return will come soon.

Enjoy your Friday in Christ!

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