Tuesday, April 15, 2014

False Promises

Good morning on this Tuesday! I gaze upon the picture of a great library. Then, I wonder if the fireplace is ever lit for the enjoyment of reading a good book. Wait, no comfortable furniture! Only a couple of benches. I begin to suspect that the fireplace with its logs is only for decoration. Perhaps the chimney is sealed off to retain heat. We live in a world of false promises. A corporate office building boasts an entrance with comfortable couches and chairs in groups for easy conversation, but the employees behind the locked doors labor in little cubicles and noses are vigorously applied to the proverbial grindstone. The bank holds out the promises of loans for homes, but in reality many in need of a permanent home cannot qualify for the loan to purchase one. This is not to get you down and depressed on a Tuesday. We know the world is full of these false promises.

Who do we look to for the promise of real and lasting joy, comfort, peace, love, and eternity? Jesus, of course. A lovely fireplace on earth may be just for show, but there is no need to mourn over it. This whole earth is just for show; one day it will all pass away. Once upon a time, I was refused a loan for a house. But, now I know that my Lord has gone to prepare a permanent place for me in Heaven. Labor, toil, work, these things are here and are not always pleasant for us. We know this is but the training period before eternity. Businesses may have guest foyers the employees are not allowed to touch, homes with fancy landscaping may hide a mess inside, buildings may hide an ugly purpose behind a designer facade; hooray for them. We know all this is not the promised land, but that time we endure before the eternity Christ gives to those who believe in Him.

Once, God created this beautiful place for Adam, and our ancestor blew it. We have the promise of a new paradise awaiting us, and for a short time we must endure a rough, cursed place. Let us labor to shine for the glory of God in this place, that He may quickly bring us to our eternal home with Him.


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