Saturday, July 06, 2013

Returning To Love, Returning the Love

Good Saturday morning! A little bit of ugh this morning. I don't like the walks where sweat begins almost immediately. Sweating should be earned not endured. I think if we sweat in Heaven it will be a well-earned sweat, worked up to and full of that hard work honor. What, am I grumbling here? No, I don't think that disliking some condition is grumbling. The world is fallen and we have our likes and dislikes. Keeping it inside, unspoken or unwritten, will not keep it from God's knowledge. Voicing my dislikes to God is much like the relief of a firm diagnosis to a mysterious illness. Once the thing is out in the open then the healing can begin. After voicing a few complaints, the psalmists ended by giving God glory and blessing. We return to love in much the same way.

From voicing a dislike to praising God for our many blessings, we return to love through gratitude. The sun shone brightly, the early morning temperature was not too high, and the smell of summer flowers painted the air in hues of gentle aroma. The sweetness of the trial of faith is in the return to the green pastures of God's love. After we have rested awhile, we give God thanksgiving, praise and return love to Him. For the good news of salvation, the cleansing of grace, the imputing of righteousness and the granting of the Holy Spirit had one wonderful goal in mind - to bring you and me to the point where we love God back.

Returning God's love completely and fully is the ultimate end of the beginning of our relationship through Christ. We don't start out this life loving well. We learn over the years to love better, but for full love we need the discipleship of the Holy Spirit in us. As fallen sinners in a fallen world, we need to be taught how to love. Parents, siblings, friends, spouses, children, and all other relationships in this life are but a start to that one great and glorious match - a loving relationship with God. To have this relationship, we must learn to return God's love. Good news there! The Holy Spirit, as a member of the Trinity, is very much ready to teach us all we need to know about loving God our Father.

Have a happy Saturday!

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