Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Christmas is Tomorrow!

Good morning as the days of July move on from present to past. Sounds vaguely ominous in a strange way I think, or maybe just silly. What if someone announced today that Christmas will be moved up to tomorrow? To those of us accustomed to a fair chance of Christmas snow, this would be nothing but strange. The chance of snow in July around here is nearly zero, but in many parts of the world Christmas does come without snow. However, there is something worse about a sudden move of the holy day - none of us have any presents prepared for those we love. Then, there are the parents. I can hear them groaning from here. To have a date that requires much work and preparation on their part suddenly moved up a bit more than 5 months is downright mean. All of that is based on a worldly view of what Christmas involves.

In Christ, we should celebrate the day of His birth on any day without the slightest preparation or anxiety. We don't need presents or parties or snow or any of the many things we commonly associate with that day. We need only to stop and lift our hearts in praise to God the Father who gave to us Jesus, His Son. To depend on worldly things to celebrate Christmas is to give the powers of this world a hold on us. We certainly don't need anything weighing on us when the time comes to celebrate with Christ in His place!

Praise the name of Jesus our Lord!

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