Thursday, July 11, 2013

An Expression of Love

Good morning! Today, I read a bit about that judgment which takes place in Heaven when we all get together and see our waste and hypocrisy burnt up in the cleansing fire. At first, it seems that this is a punishment. What effort has gone into this thing that we lose at the end? What sore trials have we endured to gain this or that, only to see it burned away. Why do I assume that it will be anything that I have struggled for? Turn and look at the burning fire as God's love. The things we lose in this fire are not things that we need or will want with us in the eternal life. In this life we may not realize what weight is slowing us down, but in God's love the cleansing fire can burn away that dross which hides our shining light. Now, look at our trials in this life in the same way.

We endure some difficult things here. The passing of loved ones, diseases and conditions of the body, minds that don't always work correctly, tragedies of weather and machinery, and many other things that make it tough to live in these parts. These parts being of course the entire universe, for there is no place we can go to escape the fall that came from Adam's disobedience. I could sign up to travel to Mars in the next 20 years or so, but a lot of my tribulation baggage would journey with me. How much better to wait for the cleansing of God's great love before I travel the universe. Would you like to go along on this journey of discovery? Let us wait patiently for God's love to create in us a clean heart.

Sing the praises of God our Father, a new day has come!

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