Saturday, March 27, 2010

Slowly Moving On - March 27, 2010

Good n' Windy Saturday morning! The March winds have made their appearance already this morning. Hmm, a little peek of sunshine has made it through the clouds. Just a little reminder that God is still here with us, even when the storms of life appear to have used locked up in a cage. The Psalms of David often speak to us individually. We see in his prayers to the Lord a kindred spirit who was often in deep trouble. We may hear about his years as king of Israel, but those times were not always easy. In Psalm 56 we read a note about how David had been captured by the Philistines, Israel's mortal enemy.

Twice in the psalm, David asks the question: I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? We would do well to remember that question in our own daily walk with Christ. Each time David asked the question, he followed it with: what can mere mortals do to me? Each of us could list many things that these mere mortals could do; some of those things could make us fearful. However, we have a powerful Lord who loves us. In eternity, we have a promise to cling to - Jesus Christ.

Throughout the next couple of Sundays, we will hear sermons on that promise, and what it took for Jesus to buy that promise. Jesus rose from the grave because He first laid his life down in it. The world had its day when Jesus suffered every manner of torture and pain for our sake. We know that on the third day he rose from the grave, free of pain and sorrow, fulfilling the promise of eternal life for us in himself. We have much to look forward to. David ends his psalm with that same promise.

"For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light." Pss 56:13


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