Monday, February 23, 2009

Gripping too Tightly - February 23, 2009

Good Monday morning! What do you and I entrust to Jesus this morning? If you started with a list, as I did today, you might want to rethink that. We must entrust everything to Jesus. Those things we can do something about and the things we can do little or nothing about; the work we will do today, our family and friends, our homes and cars, our material and monetary possessions, and all of our cares and worries; all belong to Jesus. If you are having trouble dropping some problems at the cross, all that I can say is "me too." We tend to cling to things that we should not!

Have you ever heard what the most common problem is with inexperienced rock climbers? I heard this once back in the day and it surprised me at first. The beginning climber's tendency is to grip the rocks too tightly. This wears out their hands too soon and they cannot climb or worse. This seems to be the problem we have as we climb that mountain to God. We grip too tightly to the things of this earth that we should be climbing over, ignoring the mighty hand of God supporting us! Thus comes the saying that our ministers and friends in Christ must repeat to us often: Let go and let God! :-)

Trust in Jesus today as you enjoy your work!


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